Wednesday 5 September 2012


In the last couple of years, Apple iPad has emerged to be an excellent educational tool. Be it K-12 school, college or a university, many of them have adapted iPad to make classroom much more interesting and interactive for the students so that they enjoy while learning. Many students today have created an application of themselves in the app store and through that they distribute syllabus, assignments and even quizzes to the students. Thus, the traditional way of handing our print out have taken a step back in the new educational system.
Apple iPad: Transforming the Way Students Learn
The Apple app stores provide millions of interactive and educational apps for the use of the students. Through iPads, teachers can even send audio and video lectures to the students. This allows students to get access to necessary materials whenever needed without having to wait for the teachers to take out print outs and then distribute them. The iPad has also brought down the use of paper in the universities which in turn is helping the green movement. Thus, more and more universities are adapting to this new system of education and in a few years, the whole educational system around the world would be transformed.